I offer Psychotherapy Services, for individuals and couples. Sessions are typically 50-60 minutes in length and are in a virtual format. My availability is typically limited to evenings: Monday – Thursday.
What is Psychotherapy?
Psychotherapy is intended to help people improve and maintain their mental health and well-being. Registered Psychotherapists work with individuals, couples and families in individual and group settings. Psychotherapy occurs when the Registered Psychotherapist (RP) and client enter into a Psychotherapeutic Relationship where both work together to bring about positive change in the client’s thinking, feeling, behaviour and social functioning. Individuals usually seek Psychotherapy when they have thoughts, feelings, moods, and behaviours that are adversely affecting their day-to-day lives, relationships, and the ability to enjoy life.
Areas of Focus Include
Anxiety Depression Trauma Relationship Issues Stress Management ADHD Self-Acceptance Grief and Bereavement Life Transitions Mindfulness Emotion Regulation Feeling Overwhelmed Work-Life Balance Isolation School Difficulties Acquired Brain Injury Disabilities Substance Use
Absolute Inclusivity
SelfDefined Therapy provides services that are:
Responsive, trauma-informed and non-judgmental
Value experiences of the LGBTQ2S+ community
Respectful of spiritual needs and practices
Conscious of the impact of race, class, lived experiences, and sexual and gender identity in culture
I am committed to challenging my own thinking as to not contribute to barriers that might limit access to my services. Some of the barriers I have identified relate to issues of race, ethnicity, culture, religion, class, family configuration, sexual orientation, abilities (mental, physical, intellectual), gender identity and expression, body size, age, immigration status, and nationality.
I acknowledge that health and well-being are impeded by many intersections, and that it is important to support people through acknowledging their lived experiences, and how they are impacted by the social determinants of mental health.
I strive to be an equitable environment. SelfDefined Therapy is on a continuum of learning regarding people’s lived experiences.
Sessions Offered
Individual Therapy Session
Individual Therapy is an opportunity for you and I to work collaboratively to promote change or improve quality of life. Therapy can assist in overcoming obstacles and increasing positive feelings. People pursue Individual Therapy as a course for gaining guidance to work through issues that are difficult to face alone, learn skills, manage difficult situations, make healthy decisions, and reach goals. Individual Therapy provides an avenue for self-awareness, and self-growth.
50-60 mins | $160 | Book your session
Couples Therapy Session
Couples Therapy is for people in a relationship who have a common goal to improve the relationship, or sometimes help with the decision of staying together or not. Sessions typically involve building communication skills, improving abilities to problem-solve, working towards relationship goals, clarifying roles and responsibilities. Other common issues such as anger, infidelity, financial difficulties, and/or life transitions may be areas that require attention.
50- 60 mins | $200 | Book your session
“When your back is against the wall, and you are facing fear head on, the only way is to move forward and through it. I am here to help you through it.”
— Sarah Downing
“We are all different, which is great because we are all unique. Without diversity, life would be very boring.”
— Catherine Pulsifer
Land Acknowledgement
My practice honours and values the Nation to Nation relationship between the Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island and settlers. SelfDefined Therapy honours and acknowledges that our practice is situated on the traditional and enduring territory of the Mississaugas of New Credit. We acknowledge and honour that the City of Toronto is also situated on the territories of the Wendat, the Anishnaabe and the Haudenosaunee Confederacy.
I acknowledge the continued and everlasting presence of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit people on this land, and across Turtle Island. I also acknowledge the sacredness of the Waters, Earth, Plants, Animals, Birds, and the People of this land, and give respect and appreciation for their presence in our communities.
Do you have questions before getting started?
Please feel free to visit the FAQ’s Section OR you can send an email outlining your thoughts.